photoshoot pics yay

Well it took me longer than I thought to get the rest of these cropped and uploaded but here they are at last.

Started the shoot with Dapper Leia because I wanted my “real hair” costumes to go first.

I forgot to do any pics with my sunglasses but not too upset about it because I really didn’t like the sunglasses I bought for these, they were too skinny.

Next was Padme:

I forgot to take my dapper Leia necklace off before putting this on so I secretly have a rebel symbol necklace under my vest LOL

Then Jessica:

I have approx. 1 million Jessica photos because we had a lot of fun with the fan.

And then onto the wig costumes… starting with Utena! FINALLY

My sword is sooooo nice I love it but guess what? I forgot to put my ring on for these photos arrrrgh.
I even checked the day before to make sure I had it sitting out and ready and still forgot.

And then onto the body paint. Starting with comic Starfire.

Adventures in wearing 15 year old costumes.
Even after a wash and restyling the wig still isn’t quite up to it’s original standards which was disappointing. But it does at least look better than it did when I wore it in 2010.
It was interesting putting this on again. Not only was the construction questionable but I’m also just not the same size I was 15 years ago. The chestplate and collar were all sitting up higher than they should have been but couldn’t get them to sit lower. Had to cut the boot covers off the bodysuit and pin them on because I couldn’t get them all the way up my legs anymore, my thighs are chonkier than they used to be.

Also part of the reason I ditched the chestplate after the first wearing was that it had darkened up and I couldn’t figure out how to get it back to it’s original colour… but when I put it on it really wasn’t that different. I wonder if I just had something different in my head. No clue. That all happened in my anemia fog so truly, who knows.

Despite all that I am pretty happy with the pics. Not perfect, still like the original dragoncon 2008 pics better, but at least it’s done.

And now Adventures in wearing 18 year old costumes…

Honestly this one is the reason it took me so long to get everything uploaded and finished. I VERY quickly painted myself for this and had to go through and touchup places I missed! Mostly my elbows, the side of one hand, my neck, etc.

This fit slightly better than comic starfire only because it’s more forgiving. I did feel something pop in the waistband of the skirt as I was getting it over my hips LOL. And the upper armband didn’t fit at all. I had to leave it off.
But I do like these photos and glad I got this one shot.

Despite the pain of realizing I don’t fit in my old costumes right anymore… I really want to shoot some more old ones and get them off my list. It’s satisfying.

I REALLY want to get kingdom come wonder woman shot. Maybe i’ll start doing cleanup on that after I finish wedding Leia so I can do it in the next shoot. Others high on the shoot list – Hild, AOA Shadowcat, poncho Leia…

Anyway – site is all updated w/new pics. yay